Dr. Susie Mitchell is Programme Director for Glasgow City of Science and Innovation (GCOSI). GCOSI is highlighted in Glasgow’s Economic Strategy as an embedded regional partnership that supports multi-sector collaboration in science and innovation to address societal challenges and drive inclusive growth. GCOSI identifies and promotes Glasgow and the West of Scotland’s world-class offer in research excellence and emerging innovation strengths to attract talent, investment and collaboration opportunities. GCOSI also supports business innovation and is a founding partner of VentureFest Scotland and the CAN DO innovation Summit. Susie also co-created the VentureFest youth strand with Young Scot, VentureJam. GCOSI also leads on the Innovation Capital of Europe Ideas and Knowledge Exchange Network (www.iKEN.global ) – a collaboration hub of 20+ European Cities supporting best practice in urban innovation.
Susie came to Glasgow in 1996 to undertake a PhD in cancer research at the University of Glasgow’s Beatson Institute for Cancer Research where she was awarded the John Paul Award for research excellence. She would then become an R&D manager within the NHS, a public policy practitioner for local and national government, and Accessibility and Inclusion lead for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games. Susie is a champion of diversity in STEM and in 2016 was recognised by Equate Scotland as a Leading Woman of Scotland for her contributions to STEM and Scotland’s advancement. Susie is a proud member of the Glasgow International Jazz Festival Board. Outside work, she is a session musician and a presenter and contributor for the BBC.